Dealing with urine incontinence in women

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Dealing with urine incontinence in women


Statistics show that one in every four women have suffered from urinary incontinence. This condition is brought about by urine leaking from the urethra making it difficult to have a dry panties and not to mention smelling urine wherever one is. If one discovers they are suffering from this, there are several things they can do so that they can deal with this incontinence. Below are some steps that can help deal with urinary incontinence in women

Know yourself

 womanThe sufferer of urine incontinence knows the times when they experience that. One should keep a diary of their incontinence times so that they will have a good description for the doctor since they will need to see one eventually. One should know the kinds of fluids they drink, when and how much of those drinks they take. They should also keep a tab of when and how many times they urinate in a day. Lastly, they can also find out how many times they experience the leakage and under what circumstances like for instance when they sneeze or cough. One should also know any other health issues they may be experiencing even though they think are not related to urine incontinence.

Schedule a doctor’s appointment

Some women find it embarrassing to book an appointment with a doctor for urine incontinence. To help deal with these, one should use a family doctor or a referral from a friend. One should also be specific on the kind of appointment they are booking the doctor for. This will help them not have to beat around the bush in order to get to the point of telling the doctor about urine incontinence. Getting a diagnosis and ask questions
One should take advantage of the appointment and get all their questions about urine incontinence answered. One should also answer all the questions asked by the doctor honestly so that the correct diagnosis is given to them.

Conservative therapy

Most women think that the conservative therapies do not work. One should ask the doctor about the latest conservative therapy options that they may use. One should try them and be keen to note any improvements. If there are no improvements they should seek the services of a physical therapist. It may be due to one not engaging the right kind of muscles even though they are consistent in doing the exercises that form part of the conservative therapy. The therapist may also suggest a combination of several conservative therapy exercises for even better results.


SurgeryThis may be the last resort if anything does not seem to work for you. It may be scary to go under the knife but it will be for your own good. The good thing is that such surgeries are minimally invasive and have short recovery periods and the results are very effective.

One should take these steps early enough before the problem worsens. Be a strong woman who will stand up for their own health. One may also learn more things about dealing with urine incontinence by reading widely and learning from the experiences of other women.